Complaints Procedure - Love Property Management Ltd
We are dedicated to providing a professional service to all clients and customers. If things go wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us improve our services and standards. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please put this in writing. We will handle the complaint as follows:
The CHP is a three stage process:​
Stage 1
Your complaint should be addressed in writing, to be reviewed by a member of staff, wherever possible one not directly involved in the complaint. It should be addressed to:​
Complaints Handler
Love Property Management Ltd
Clover House
John Wilson Business Park
CT5 3QZ​
E: info@lovepm.co.uk FAO Complaints Handler
This will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt. It is beneficial to include as much relevant information as possible and any supporting documents with this initial complaint. If any part of your complaint is unclear we may contact you for clarification, or if we require further information we may contact you to request supporting documentation.
We will then review your file and investigate the matter to try and resolve this satisfactorily for you. We will then provide you with a formal written response, including proposed resolutions where appropriate, within 15 working days of the acknowledgement.
Stage 2
Following receipt of our formal written response, should you remain dissatisfied, please inform us within 10 working days in writing. Please clearly outline which part of your complaint remains outstanding and the reasons you remain dissatisfied. We will arrange a separate review by a senior member of our staff.
A final review will be undertaken and we will provide you with our final viewpoint within 15 working days.​
Stage 3
If you are still not satisfied after the last stage of the in-house complaint procedure (or more than eight weeks has elapsed since the complaint was first made) you can request an independent review from The Property Ombudsman without charge.
You will need to submit your complaint to The Property Ombudsman within 12 months of receiving our final viewpoint letter, including any evidence to support your case. They will reply directly to you.​
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House 43-55 Milford Street Salisbury
Wiltshire SP1 2BP
T: 01722 333 306
The Property Ombudsman requires that all complaints are addressed through an in-house complaints procedure, before being submitted for independent review.
For more information about how the ombudsman will review your complaint;
Please note that no charge will be made for any complaint that we handle. During the in-house complaint review, you may be invited to make further comments or attend a meeting with us or discuss the matter on the telephone.​